The Still Small Voice

“And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.”

1 Kings 19:12 (KJV) 

 The winds came.

God was not in that wind.

The earth shook.

God was not in that shaking.

The fire came.

God was not in that fire.

God was in the still small voice.

In my travels I have encountered worship styles that are so varied. Lately I have been thinking of the loud nature of much worship in contemporary churches (both preaching and song). Whilst not being opposed to this style I have found that at times it has been draining. It may be my inner introvert or it may simply just be that the season of loud is over for me at this time. Either way it seems that my heart yearns for the calm, the gentle, the peaceful. It reminds me of verses in Kings that speak of Elijah seeking God.

In summary:

The winds came.

God was not in that wind.

The earth shook.

God was not in that shaking.

The fire came.

God was not in that fire.

God was in the still small voice.

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