The church is not closed,
The church is deployed
Choose the fast
Loose the bonds
Free the oppressed
Break the yoke
Divide the bread
Feed the hungry
House the homeless
Clothe the naked
Darkness to light
Gloom to midday
Close your doors
Open your hearts
Church closed
Church deployed
Church deployed
Gospel Public services
Gospel voluntary services
Gospel homeless services
Gospel food banks
Graveside gospel
Bands of marriage gospel message
Live streams
Living streams
Gospel food pantry
Gospel soup kitchen
Gospel meals on wheels
Gospel grocery drop offs
Gospel food boxes
Gospel nappie provisions
Gospel clothes release
Gospel keyworker childcare
Gospel books
Gospel bibles
Keyworker vacancies
Witnesses sign up
His church will not disappear into the night
She will rise on the wings of the morning
Kingdom come
Kingdom coming
The church is not closed,
The church is deployed