Cometh the hour.
Blow the trumpet.
Send the beast back from whence it came.
Has the beast not had its fill?
Consumer of souls, destroyer of worlds.
Why must the beast have its day?
Send the beast back from whence it came.
Turn back the tide, break the curse, free the world.
Blood and tears, weeping for the night, creation groans.
Calvary tree, earth shaking, stones roll, angels speak.
Dark night of the soul.
Send the beast back from whence it came.
Has the beast not had its fill?
Consumer of souls, destroyer of worlds.
Why must the beast have its day?
Send the beast back from whence it came.
Turn back the tide, break the curse, free the world.
Heavenly chariots, trumpet calls, angels sing, swords to plows.
Casting crowns, royal robes, outstretched hand, victory whispers.
Be still.
Cometh the hour.